
6 min

How Data Breaches can be Prevented

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

1. What is a Data Breach

A data breach is an unauthorized access or release of your sensitive information stored in a computer system, network, or database. This information can be your personal data, financial information, confidential business information, and other sensitive information.

Understanding the risk of a data breach report is essential for comprehending how data breaches can be prevented and implementing effective security measures to safeguard sensitive information.

How Data Breaches can be Prevented

These can occur due to hacking, phishing, malware attacks, human error, or other security threat. The consequences of a data breach can include loss of reputation, financial losses, legal penalties, and damage to the affected individuals.

2. How data Breaches happen

Data Breaches being a temporary catastrophe can alter the course of your complete life. Whether you are a Big Business owner, Company CEO or a Government employee, no one can definitely claim that he is safe.

You are online or offline, Hackers can track you both ways; Through internet, Bluetooth, text messages or any online service which you are using.

How they do it, may include:

A. Hacking

Breaches can occur when hackers gain unauthorized access to a system or network, either by exploiting vulnerabilities in the software or through social engineering tactics.

Phishing attempts or scams use fraudulent phishing emails, messages, or websites. They trick individuals into clicking a link and revealing sensitive information. This confidential information can then be used to access systems or steal sensitive data.

Malicious software, such as viruses and ransomware, can infect systems and networks with malicious code. It allows hackers to data accessibility or steal sensitive information.

D. Insider threats

Data breaches can also occur when employees or contractors intentionally or accidentally access sensitive information they are not authorized to see.

E. Physical theft

Breaches can occur when physical devices containing sensitive information, such as laptops or USB drives, are lost or stolen.

F. Unsecured databases

Data breaches can occur when sensitive information is stored in an unsecured database or is transmitted without encryption.

G. Unpatched software

Outdated software with unpatched security vulnerabilities can be easily exploited by attackers to gain access to sensitive information.

3. What are the latest trends in Stealing data?

We are living in the age of Digital revolution and there is an increasing inclination on the use of digital technologies. Our lives are almost being surrounded with these gadgets which form an essential part of our day-to-day dealings.

With increasing reliance comes its own set of challenges. The following are some of the latest trends in data theft:

  • Ransomware: Ransomware is a type of malicious software that encrypts the victim's data and demands payment for the decryption key. Ransomware attacks are becoming increasingly common and sophisticated.

  • Cloud attacks: As more companies adopt cloud computing, attackers are shifting their focus to cloud environments. Increasingly seeking to access sensitive data stored in the cloud.

  • AI-powered attacks: Attackers are increasingly employing artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to automate and scale their attacks. This not only enhances the effectiveness of their tactics but also poses significant challenges in terms of detection and mitigation.

  • IoT attacks: The growing number of connected devices in the Internet of Things (IoT) is creating new opportunities for attackers to access sensitive information.

  • Software supply chain attacks: Software supply chain attacks pose a significant threat to organizations as they exploit vulnerabilities in the software development and distribution process, compromising the integrity and security of the entire supply chain.

  • Social engineering: Social engineering attacks use psychological manipulation to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information. These attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and difficult to detect.

  • Crypto-Jacking: Crypto-jacking is the unauthorized use of a device's processing power to mine cryptocurrency. This type of attack can cause performance issues and can lead to data theft.

4. What are steps to be taken if your data is stolen?

Unfortunately, we are living in an age where everyone is at risk of being compromised. However, if your data is being compromised don't be a victim.

There are several steps you can take to avoid further losses. Here is a rundown of how to contain the losses:

  • Report the data breach to the relevant authorities or security team to prevent data loss.

  • If the breach involves sensitive information about individuals, such as their personal or financial information, it's important to notify them as soon as possible.

  • Stop the breach from spreading by isolating affected systems and changing passwords to prevent further unauthorized access.

  • Conduct a thorough investigation to determine the cause of the breach and identify any information that may have been stolen.

  • Take steps to prevent future breaches, such as implementing stronger security controls, reviewing and updating policies, and providing security awareness training to employees.

  • Regularly monitor your financial statements and credit reports for signs of identity theft or unauthorized transactions.

  • If the data breach is significant, it may be necessary to hire a professional to assist with the response and recovery process.

5. How data breaches can be prevented?

In today's world, it's now becoming almost a commonplace to hear about data breaches to happen and it's almost costing Millions of dollars to the victims.

The 2013 Breach of Target cost almost 90 million dollars for the retail giant as people were wary of their loss of personal info. Data breaches can be prevented by implementing the following security measures:

  • Encrypting data makes it unreadable to unauthorized individuals and can prevent data theft.

  • Keeping software and systems up to date with the latest security patches helps close vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit.

  • Strong passwords and multi-factor authentication methods, such as biometrics, make it more difficult for unauthorized individuals to access accounts.

  • Limiting access to sensitive data to only those who need it can reduce the risk of data breaches.

  • Regularly monitoring networks and conducting security audits helps identify and remediate security vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

  • Regularly educating employees on safe data practices, security awareness and how to identify phishing attacks can reduce the risk of accidental data breaches.

  • Incorporating intrusion detection systems (IDS) into your security infrastructure is a proactive measure. It can effectively mitigate the risk of data breaches by promptly identifying and responding to potential intrusions or unauthorized activities within your network.

  • Implementing robust data encryption measures is essential for preventing data breaches, especially when it comes to sensitive information such as phone numbers and credit card numbers.

6. As a common man, how you should protect your data?

Security of your data should always be your first priority. Whether you are a CEO of a big company or common man, you should always be watchful of your personal details and keep them fully guarded.

Your Personal data includes; the Info which can identify you, credit or debit card information, social security number or your country's identity number.

Here are some tips with which you can secure your personal information or any other sensitive information:

  • Create strong and unique passwords for all of your accounts and regularly change them. You can also use password managers to secure all your accounts at one place.

  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your accounts. 2FA adds an extra layer of security to your accounts by requiring you to provide two forms of identification.

  • Exercising caution when opening an attachments is essential in preventing data breaches. These malicious attachments can serve as gateways for cyber criminals to infiltrate systems and gain unauthorized access to sensitive information.

  • Implementing robust security measures, such as encryption and access controls, for both block storage and file storage systems is crucial in preventing data breaches and safeguarding sensitive information.

  • Implementing data masking techniques is an effective way to prevent data breaches by disguising sensitive information like credit card numbers. Ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to the actual data.

  • Use, Install and regularly update a reputable antivirus software.

  • Locking your computer when you're not using to help prevent unauthorized access and ensuring data protection from potential breaches.

7. What model has to be followed to ensure strong data security?

To ensure strong data security, organizations should follow a comprehensive security model that includes the following steps:

  • Risk Assessment: Conduct a thorough risk assessment to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities in their systems. This allows organizations to prioritize their security efforts and allocate resources effectively.

  • Data Classification: Classify data based on its level of sensitivity, such as confidential, restricted, or public. This helps organizations determine the level of security required for each type of data.

  • Access Control: Implement strict access controls to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive data. This includes implementing user authentication and authorization, as well as implementing role-based access controls.

  • Data Encryption: Encrypt sensitive data at rest and in transit to protect it from unauthorized access and theft. This can include using encryption technologies such as AES and SSL/TLS.

  • Network Security: Implement firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and other network security technologies to protect against network-based attacks.

  • Vulnerability Management: Regularly scan for vulnerabilities in systems and applications and apply patches and updates as soon as possible. This helps prevent attackers from exploiting known vulnerabilities.

  • Incident Response Plan: Develop and implement an incident response plan to address data breaches and other security incidents. This should include procedures for incident detection, investigation, and resolution.

  • Regular Audits and Review: Regularly audit and review data security practices to ensure that they are effective and that employees are adhering to security policies. This helps organizations identify and address any potential weaknesses in their security posture.


In the age of technology Security and privacy are linked together and both have to be dealt at the same time. It's a continuous and never-ending headache and overwhelmingly time consuming but it's the only way to be fully secure.

Be suspicious of any unknown links, never share your personal information, be fully aware of your belongings. The best away would be to use a Burner email for your shopping only which you may not require for any other thing.
