
5 min

What is an Online Predator and How they Find their Victims

Updated: Feb 22

An online predator is someone who uses the internet to engage in harmful activities towards other people, particularly children or minors.

These individuals often have malicious intentions and seek to exploit, manipulate, or deceive their victims for personal gain, such as sexual gratification or financial gain.

Online predators can use various platforms to communicate with their targets, including social media, online gaming, chat rooms, dating apps, and other online communities.

It is essential to be aware of the risks associated with online communication and to take measures to protect oneself from potential online predators.

What are the Characteristics of Online Predators

Online predators are individuals who use the internet to target and victimize others, especially children and young people. Here are some common characteristics of online predators:


Online predators often use fake identities and personas to deceive their targets and gain their trust.


They use emotional manipulation tactics to control and exploit their victims.


They can be persistent and use different tactics to continue the grooming process even after the victim has expressed reluctance or resistance.


They may try to keep their online interactions with their targets a secret from others, including their parents or guardians.


They use the technique of grooming to build a relationship with their target and gain their trust over a period of time.


They typically target vulnerable individuals, particularly children and adolescents who may be more susceptible to their tactics.

Predatory behavior:

They engage in predatory behavior such as stalking, harassment, and intimidation.


They may use persuasive techniques such as sympathy, empathy, or promises of gifts and attention to lure their victims into compromising situations.

Access to technology:

They often have easy access to technology and are skilled in using it to their advantage.

It's important to note that online predators can come from any background and may be of any age or gender. They can be strangers or people known to the victim. It's essential to educate children and young people on how to stay safe online and to report any suspicious behavior to a trusted adult.

How Online Predators Find Their Victims

Online predators use various tactics to find and target their victims. Here are some common ways that online predators find their victims:

Social Media:

Predators often use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok to find potential victims. They can search for vulnerable individuals based on their age, gender, location, interests, or online activities.

Online Chat Rooms:

Predators may join online chat rooms or forums that cater to their target audience, such as children or adolescents, to interact with potential victims.

Online Gaming:

Online gaming is another platform where predators may target vulnerable individuals, particularly children and adolescents. They can use in-game chat or messaging features to communicate with their victims.

Dating Apps:

Predators may use dating apps like Tinder or Bumble to target vulnerable individuals looking for romantic relationships. They may use false identities to lure their victims into meeting them in person.

Public Wi-Fi Networks:

Predators may use public Wi-Fi networks, such as those found in coffee shops or libraries, to access the internet anonymously and search for potential victims.

Online Classifieds:

Predators may use online classifieds websites, such as Craigslist or Gumtree, to find victims who are looking to buy or sell items. They may pose as buyers or sellers to initiate communication with potential victims.

Online Contests:

Predators may use online contests or giveaways to lure potential victims into providing personal information, such as their name, age, and contact information. They may also ask for explicit photos or videos in exchange for winning the contest.

Video-Sharing Websites:

Predators may use video-sharing websites, such as YouTube or TikTok, to search for vulnerable individuals who have posted personal videos. They may use the comments section or direct messages to initiate communication with potential victims.

Online Support Groups:

Predators may use online support groups or forums, particularly those for vulnerable populations such as individuals struggling with addiction or mental health issues, to interact with potential victims.

Parental Negligence:

In some cases, predators may exploit parental negligence by targeting children or adolescents who are left unsupervised while using the internet.

Job Posting Websites:

Predators may use job posting websites, such as Indeed or Monster, to target vulnerable individuals who are looking for employment. They may pose as potential employers and initiate communication with potential victims.

Online Communities:

Predators may use online communities, such as forums or message boards, that cater to their target audience to interact with potential victims.

Phishing Scams:

Predators may use phishing scams to gain access to potential victims' personal information, such as their login credentials, bank account details, or social security numbers.

What are the effective ways to avoid Falling prey to online predators: Prevention Strategies

Here are some effective ways to avoid falling prey to online predators and prevention strategies:

Use Privacy Settings:

Adjust your privacy settings on social media and other online platforms to limit the amount of personal information visible to strangers.

Be Cautious of Sharing Personal Information:

Do not share personal information such as your full name, address, phone number, or date of birth online, unless it is necessary for a legitimate purpose.

Use Strong Passwords:

Use strong, unique passwords for each online account and consider using a password manager to store them securely.

Don't Engage with Strangers:

Do not engage in conversations or accept friend requests from strangers online, and be cautious when communicating with people you have only met online.

Use Antivirus Software:

Install and regularly update antivirus software on your devices to protect against malware and other online threats.

Talk to Children:

Educate children about online safety and set rules for their internet use, including monitoring their online activity and limiting their access to certain websites or platforms.

Report Suspicious Activity:

If you encounter suspicious or threatening activity online, report it to the appropriate authorities or website administrators.

Trust Your Instincts:

If something seems suspicious or too good to be true online, trust your instincts and avoid engaging with the person or message.

Limit Location Sharing:

Avoid sharing your location online, especially if you are not familiar with the person or website.

Be Careful with Links:

Be cautious when clicking on links, especially those sent by strangers or that look suspicious.

Monitor Your Online Reputation:

Regularly monitor your online reputation by searching for your name on search engines and social media platforms to ensure that personal information is not being shared without your consent.

Don't Share Explicit Content:

Do not share explicit content or photos online, as they can be used by predators to blackmail or manipulate you.

Use Two-Factor Authentication:

Use two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security to your online accounts and prevent unauthorized access.

Be Selective with Friends:

Be selective when accepting friend requests or connections online, and only add people you know and trust.


In conclusion, online predators are a real and serious threat in today's digital age. They use various tactics to identify and target vulnerable individuals, particularly children and adolescents.

However, by taking proactive measures to protect oneself and educating oneself and others about online safety, it is possible to prevent becoming a victim of online predation.

It is important to limit personal information sharing, use privacy settings, be cautious with online friends, use strong passwords, educate oneself and children about online safety, use parental controls, and stay up-to-date with security measures.

By adopting these prevention strategies, we can ensure a safer and more secure online experience for ourselves and our loved ones.
