
6 min

What Happens when you Click on a Phishing Link and Steps to Avoid Becoming a Victim

Updated: Feb 22

Phishing is a type of cyber attack where attackers send fake emails or messages, often impersonating trusted entities like banks, social media platforms, or e-commerce websites, with the intention of tricking recipients into divulging sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers, or other personal information.

Phishing attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, making it difficult for users to distinguish between legitimate and fraudulent messages.

The implications of phishing for cybersecurity are significant, as it can lead to identity theft, financial fraud, and other cyber crimes.

As a result, it's crucial for individuals and organizations to stay vigilant and take proactive steps to protect themselves against phishing attacks, such as regularly updating software and using anti-virus programs, as well as being cautious when opening emails or messages from unknown sources.

Importance of understanding how to avoid phishing attacks to protect personal information

Protection of personal information is important because phishing attacks can have severe consequences for individuals and organizations alike.

When a user falls victim to a phishing attack and provides sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, or credit card numbers, attackers can use that information for identity theft, financial fraud, or other cyber crimes.

The consequences can be devastating, including financial losses, reputational damage, and legal troubles.

Moreover, phishing attacks can compromise entire organizations, leading to data breaches that expose sensitive information about customers, employees, and business operations.

Educating oneself and others about phishing and how to prevent falling victim to these attacks is critical to protect personal and organizational information and prevent cyber crimes.

What happens when you click on a phishing link

When you click on a phishing link, the consequences can vary depending on the type of phishing attack and the attacker's intentions. However, in general, clicking on a phishing link can result in the following:

Installation of malware:

The phishing link or phishing email may direct you to a website or download that installs malware on your device. This malware can then damage your device, steal your personal information, or provide remote access to the attacker.

Theft of personal information:

The phishing link may direct you to a fraudulent website that looks legitimate, asking you to enter your personal information such as login credentials, credit card details, or social security numbers. This information can then be used by the attacker to steal your identity or commit financial fraud.

Ransomware attacks:

Clicking on a phishing link can also trigger a ransomware attack, where the attacker takes control of your device and encrypts your data, demanding a ransom payment to release the data.

Account compromise:

The phishing link may lead to a fake login page where the attacker can steal your login credentials and gain access to your accounts.

Steps to avoid becoming a victim

Be vigilant and cautious when opening emails or messages from unknown sources

Protecting against phishing attacks or phishing scams requires being vigilant and cautious when opening emails or messages from unknown sources.

To stay safe, it's important to avoid opening suspicious emails, verify the sender's authenticity, and avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments until you've verified that they're safe.

Additionally, use anti-virus software to scan your system regularly for malware infections and keep it up-to-date with the latest security patches.

Think before you click

"Think before you click" is a simple yet powerful phrase that highlights the importance of being cautious and thoughtful when interacting with emails, messages, and websites online.

With this thinking, we can help to protect ourselves against phishing attacks and other forms of online fraud. This can include being vigilant for suspicious emails or messages that contain links or attachments, and verifying the authenticity of any requests for personal information.

Verify the source of the email or message by checking the sender's email address or phone number

Verifying the source of the email or message is an important step to avoid falling victim to phishing attacks or phishing scam. One way to do this is by checking the sender's email address or phone number. Here are some tips to help you verify the source:

Check the email address:

Look closely at the email address of the sender. Sometimes, attackers use email addresses that look similar to legitimate ones, but with slight variations. For example, they may use "" instead of "". Make sure to double-check the spelling and domain name to verify the authenticity of the email.

Check the phone number:

If the message comes from a phone number, try to verify it by doing a quick online search. Scammers often use disposable phone numbers that are difficult to trace, but a quick search can reveal whether the number is associated with any known scams.

Verify the sender's identity:

If you're still unsure about the sender's identity, contact the organization or person through a different channel to verify the email's authenticity. For example, if you receive an email from your bank, call their customer service hotline to confirm whether the email is legitimate. Check the URL before clicking by hovering over the link to see where it leads

Don't enter personal information on unsecured websites, including passwords, social security numbers, and credit card information

Protecting your personal information from phishing attacks requires being cautious when entering sensitive data online.

One of the most important steps you can take is to avoid entering personal information on unsecured websites, including passwords, social security numbers, and credit card information.

It's important to check for security indicators such as the padlock icon or "https" in the URL before entering any personal information. Additionally, be cautious of pop-ups and don't respond to unsolicited emails that ask for personal information.

Use strong, unique passwords for all of your online accounts, and avoid using the same password for multiple accounts. Consider using a password manager to keep track of your passwords securely.

Use two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security

Two-factor authentication is an effective way to add an extra layer of security to your online accounts and protect yourself against phishing attacks.

By requiring two forms of identification before accessing your account, usually a password and a unique code sent to your phone or email, two-factor authentication helps to ensure that only you can access your accounts.

To use two-factor authentication effectively, it's important to enable it on all of your accounts, including social media, banking, and email.

In addition, many devices offer biometric authentication such as fingerprint or facial recognition, which can also be used to add an extra layer of security.

By using two-factor authentication and taking these additional steps, you can reduce the risk of falling victim to phishing attacks and protect your personal information from being compromised.

Keep your computer and software up-to-date with the latest security patches

Keeping your computer and software up-to-date with the latest security patches is crucial for protecting yourself against phishing attacks.

Security patches are updates that are released by software vendors to fix security vulnerabilities and weaknesses in their products. By installing these patches, you can ensure that your computer and software are protected against the latest threats.

This will ensure that you receive the latest security updates as soon as they become available. You should also regularly check for updates manually, particularly for any critical security patches that require immediate attention.

Use of Firewall

Firewalls are an essential tool for ensuring the security of computer networks. A firewall is a software or hardware system that scans your systems, monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules.

A firewall inspect the contents of network traffic and apply a set of security rules to determine whether the traffic should be allowed or blocked.

They Firewalls are useful for preventing cyber attacks, including hacking attempts and malware infections, by blocking suspicious traffic before it can enter the network.

Use anti-virus software to protect against malware infections

Using anti-virus software is an important step in protecting yourself against phishing attacks and malware infections. These are designed to scan your system, detect and remove malicious software such as viruses, trojans, and spyware from your computer.

By using anti-virus software, you can reduce the risk of falling victim to phishing attacks and malware infections, and protect your personal information from being compromised.

Remember to choose a reputable anti-virus program, keep it updated, be cautious when downloading software, and be wary of suspicious emails and messages.


Protecting our personal information and computer networks from online threats, is essential in today's digital age.

By adopting simple yet effective strategies, such as being vigilant when opening emails or messages from unknown sources, verifying the authenticity of requests for personal information, and using two-factor authentication and anti-virus software, we can reduce the risk of falling victim to online scams and fraud.

In addition, employing advanced security measures, such as firewalls, can help to block unauthorized access to computer networks, prevent cyber attacks, and enforce corporate policies and regulatory compliance requirements.

By taking a proactive and thoughtful approach to online security, we can help to safeguard our personal information, protect our computer networks, and ensure the integrity and confidentiality of our data.
